Thursday, 21 August 2014

I keep forgetting to blog...HELP

Once again, it's been many months since my last post. This is mainly because I have been really busy, but also because I do find it odd that people take the time to read this blog. Initially I just started it because someone suggested I should, and I never put much thought into what was being posted. 

Thanks to a lot of hard work, and a lot of luck, I have made it into my third year of Astrophysics. It's hard to believe that when I started this blog, I was completing my second year of A levels and never thought I could possibly get into a university as good as Cardiff. Now I am halfway through my degree, I have decided that it is probably a good time to start blogging more frequently. In the next two years, I have some tough decisions to make and blogging definitely helps. 

So goodbye for now, but I doubt it will be long before there is a new post.

ps, I am currently the Vice President of the Chaos Society at Cardiff.

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