Tuesday, 18 December 2012

...and I am back in Nottingham

Now all my work is complete, and I only exams left to go, I feel a bit lost. I haven't had to revise properly in such a long time, therefore I don't know where to start. With A level exams, there were so many past papers available, you could just do them, revise where you struggled and do another. It's not that simple when it comes to university level papers. For starters, the papers all have a new format this year, so previous papers (if any are available) will not really help me as much as they could. Plus, background reading is a very important aspect of completing the harder parts of exams (apparently) and I know I haven't done enough yet. It's all a bit of a nightmare if I am honest. 

Enough of that boring nonsense, as I am back in Nottingham for 3 weeks! I've been looking forward to coming home for weeks now, and I am finally here. The only downside is the lack of desk in my "new" room, so I am forced to work on the dining room table. As my Mum isn't working currently, due to no fault of her own, she tends to be a bit of a distraction. This is with the new Dining/Living Room divide up. Also, George is a bit of an issue. He's a puppy, and he probably requires more attention than a baby. Nightmare. Yet again, I have ended up on the topic of revision, but I do have some other news. 

Somehow, I have managed to acquire a job over the Christmas period. I'll only be working every Friday and Saturday night until I leave, but this does suit me rather well. This does also mean that I will be able to earn some of my deposit back - as I have signed a tenancy agreement for a house for next year (also big news). 

I think that's all I really have to say for now, as I really should be revising (without George).

George trying to be really helpful.

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