Sunday, 7 October 2012

First Cardiff AS lecture.

After applying for my membership on Monday, I finally managed to attend my first Cardiff Astronomical Society lecture. It really was fascinating. Prof Mike Disney, of Cardiff University, presented his thoughts on several things. Although, my memory of them is pretty poor. As I spend my entire week taking notes, I decided to just listen and enjoy the talk. The only things I can remember from the lecture are; downsizing (the idea that larger galaxies formed before dwarf ones) and that we are seeing galaxies that we shouldn't be able to (Tolman effect - as the redshift of a galaxy increases, intensity of light coming from that galaxy rapidly reduces - I think). I suppose only being able to remember two main points from a lecture isn't bad. 

I am rather looking forward to the next lecture.

On a completely unrelated topic, I baked with my housemates the other day.

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