Thursday, 30 August 2012

The joys of packing.

I can't believe it's almost September. I've been waiting years to start university, and it's finally just around the corner. It's genuinely quite hard to communicate just how excited I am about moving to Cardiff, studying Astrophysics and just generally becoming more independent. Although, there is one major con involved with moving - packing. Today was the first day that I actually put stuff in boxes, and it was horrific. After spending an hour trying to decide which books to take with me to Cardiff, I just (carefully) threw in the essentials. I don't know what to take with me, as I realise my room in Senghennydd is tiny, and I definitely do not have enough cardboard boxes yet.

Before I wrap up this tiny blog post, I want to make a quick promise. Recently, this blog has been dedicated to me moaning about UCAS, exam results and other nonsense. My original intentions were to make this blog a bit more about Physics. Therefore, I promise to make my blog more academically pleasing - once my lectures have started - and to also discuss current Physics news, whilst only including the occasional moan about life.

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