Sunday, 8 January 2012

February, please hurry up?

Revision makes me want to hide away in my wardrobe until February. It is that bad!

Okay, I am exaggerating a little; but there are some days when it doesn't seem to be worth the hassle. It's so stressful and I just seem to be getting nowhere. However, there are some days when everything makes sense and I even get stuff right. Those are my favourite days and usually occur after several cups of black coffee.

If tons of revision wasn't bad enough, I now have the worst cold. I don't appreciate this. So now, instead of crawling back into bed and putting on Doctor Who, I have to do a Mechanics paper. To say I'm not impressed would be an understatement.

My only happy news for this blog post is that my Saturday Astrofest conference tickets are booked (sessions 3&4)! For anyone that hasn't heard of Astrofest, it's a two day exhibition that hosts a variety of stands, ranging from the Society for Popular Astronomy to Peak2Valley Instruments. There are also lots of interesting people speaking. I'm probably looking forward to hearing Hanny van Arkel speak the most, but only because she is probably one of the luckiest people to ever go on Galaxy Zoo. I am actually really excited! Even if I do have to go on my own. It's a present from me to myself for completing my exams. Go me!

Seeing as I've now ran out of coffee, this seems like a reasonable place to stop typing and start revising. Goodbye until January the 26th.

This episode of the Big Bang Theory is one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen.
ps, if anyone noticed my HUGE error, it was more a typo then lack of knowledge.

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