First of all, so I can get it out of the way and never discuss it again - exam results. They were unfortunately rather poor and I definitely need better if I want to get AAB and go to Cardiff. I was hoping for better than ABCD, but there is nothing I can do now, other than resit and promise myself they'll go better this time. This way of thinking is the only way I can get through the next few manic months. I would like to emphasise manic, because I only have 2 months and 9 days officially left at college! This terrifies me.
Secondly, I still haven't discussed how great Astrofest was (what is the world coming to?!). I met Sir Patrick Moore, Brian May and many more. I bumped into John Timmons (Peak2Valley instruments) and couldn't resist chatting with Pete Lawrence. The day was almost as good as the Peak Star Party, but not quite. The conference aspects were fascinating. I really enjoyed the talk by Lucie Green about the current projects observing the Sun. Also, I feel like I have to mention Simon Singh passing a high voltage through a pickle, it was a strange event to witness. It was brilliant.
This was a really special moment for me, I didn't know what to say to Patrick Moore. It's the quietest I have been in a very long time. Also, to the lovely person that took this picture for me (whoever you are), thank you so much.
Who is that guy in the background? He appears to be posing for this photo also.
Talking of astronomy and all things related, I have been taking a few pictures lately. They're nothing special and they've been taken with a very normal and boring digital camera. I do enjoy my Moon pictures though, my Physics teachers thought they were quite good too.
This is the (badly, hence the sky looks navy blue) edited photo I took in my back garden. I thought the plane (left of the image) looked cool. Orion looked beautiful that night.
Using the afocal imaging technique, I took this with my Samsung ES65 through my 130mm Skywatcher Newtonian reflector. Not bad for my first attempt at the technique.
This is just a zoomed and cropped version of the above image. I want to name the craters, but I am having serious issues trying to locate them on my rubbish Moon map. I like the detail highlighted by this phase of the Moon and I will take a few more as the phase changes.
This is sadly my view of Venus. It doesn't photograph well with my camera or look very nice in my telescope.
It took me a few shots to image Jupiter. I was quite impressed (even if the image isn't visually pleasing) with my efforts. I think it's the fact that I, with very little knowledge of cameras, can take a picture of something so far away.
I love this image. It's not even particularly good, I just like how interesting the Moon looks. Just above my neighbour's house (the house on the left) you can see Mars! My poor camera even managed to pick out a few stars in the constellation on Leo.
During my ISS stalking phase (that will resume again in April), I took this of the darkest location within 1 mile of my house. It was a poor night for viewing the ISS because of all the clouds. It caused the Moon to look green in my image also.
For now, that will be enough of my astro imaging attempts. However I'm not done with pictures for this blog post.
I feel like I should discuss something which has recently taken over all of my life - my Electronics project. I currently spend about half of my total time in college in C3.1 and it is getting on my nerves. My project is some weird audio game thing that has taken me a very long time to build, which is surprising considering how small it is. It is finally finished!
The finished masterpiece. I think I spent too long trying to make the wires look neat.
This is an oscilloscope captured image of my input signal (yellow) being distorted (blue). I may have jumped around for several minutes after seeing this.
Okay. Now I am done with images and sadly this blog post. I think I might try and spend another hour on my Electronics report before sleeping as it is due in on the 27th. I hate deadlines. I do realise that I normally finish my post with an image, but I think I have already included too many.
I'll try not to leave it so long between blog posts next time.