First topic of this post - exams. If I had to rate how well they went on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being absolutely dreadful, I would rate them like this:
- Core 3 - 5 (I forgot a Core 1 formula, who does that?!?
- Mechanics 1 - 3 (I may have started crying near the end because it was impossible)
- Physics 4 - 6 (I think I spent too long on Section A and had to rush Section B :( )
- Electronics 4 - 8 (I don't think I have got an A* like I wanted, but I've hopefully got my A)
Oh I have 5 minutes before Eastenders, so I'm going to quickly end this
post here and write a longer one after. I haven't even mentioned Astrofest yet
(until now).
Best episode ever.