I can genuinely only recall about 15 social outings. This would be great normally, but it's summer! I am definitely regretting wasting most of it in bed watching tv. If the article (which I can't find) on new scientist is anything to go by, then I have probably shaved a year off my life this holiday. Slightly counter-productive considering all the grand plans I had for these holidays. Oops! I have enjoyed them - honestly I really have, yet I cannot wait to return to college.
Missing hash browns is really confusing and probably explains how I may have spent at least 10% of my wages on stuff from the shop at Bilborough and from Cathy. She is the lovely lady who works at The Pod (a coffee bar type contraption) and sells me coffee. Considering my current high intake of caffeine, I may be spending a lot of time talking to her this year. I hope she still works there. There is one major issue though, my bank balance isn't very healthy currently and I don't know where my money has gone. If only my debit card would stop working for a week or four - that would help my work pile disappear!
So with one day until I have to go back to college only my electronics notes have been written up, haven't even started the shocking project. Oh dear. Tomorrow is going to be stupidly busy and I would much rather stay in bed. OH WAIT. I have a dentist appointment. So I would much rather stay at home and work. Catching up is essential before college starts otherwise i'll fall behind. I need to finish my open university module as well. I guess I can kiss my social life goodbye until August 2012 then.
I want to marry Sheldon Cooper.