Saturday, 18 June 2011

I may have to start a diet tomorrow...

Not an actual diet (I don't think that pi pie would be very good for me though), although my current intake of rubbish - including pizza and maltesers - does indicate I should definitely go for a jog tomorrow, only because I wish to avoid heart disease and obesity. My new diet shall comprise of 90% Maths Mechanics, 5% Doctor Who and the other 5% should probably be spent on digesting relaxtion techniques.

I am feeling rather stressed.

I think what stresses me out the most is when I have to use calculus to solve problems. I like calculus, but start relating it to motion and my brain stops working and starts making stuff up. I never know when I am allowed to integrate between two limits of just indefinitely. As long as I remember SVA I should be okay. You differentiate displacement to get velocity and differentiate velocity to get acceleration. That is pretty much the limit of my knowledge. It is hard to care when you get told stuff like v = 0.1t - 5t^2, please find the acceleration. How about no, I would rather be doing something more valuable with my time - like watching Doctor Who.

Definitely doing decision next year opposed to mechanics as my application module as I just can't handle these levels of stress.  

The following picture was on a powerpoint shown in tutor recently and does describe my current state of mind when stress is removed. The prospect of looking around Leeds University next week terrifies me.

I should be revising but...I don't want to.

Well my blog title is a lie, I do want to revise! Just not as much as I want to other embark on 81 days of Doctor Who.

I was reading a few tweets from Doctor Who magazine and apparently if you watch every episode from Rose to When a good man goes to war, but only watch one episode a day then it would take 81 days. This just sounds like 81 days of heaven to be honest - I am fed up of education and work.

Coming home from work was so painful, spending 5 straight hours on my feet really did hurt! Then I had to go fetch my fathers day gift.


I would continue this post but my father has just arrived home. Oh dear. HE'S BROUGHT CHOCOLATE! Win!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

So I really should be revising right now but I am just not in the mood.

Currently not enjoying life due to my final exam.

This mechanics exam business is one of the worst things I have ever tried to prepare for! It's so hard to revise when all your friends have finished exams and are now enjoying life. I've already missed out of two Alton Towers trips, the cinema and I cannot attend Mofest (a free festival) this year also! Missing everything is just saddening and really doesn't help improve my motivation levels as I just want to finish my exams. You have thought with it being my last exam that it would be better - but not this time as it is so late! I do have one major thing to look forward to though after exams. Open days.

After much deliberation, my mother and I decided on the following open days (I'd include dates but they're irrelevant to the post and I don't know them off the top of my head)...
  • Leeds
  • Nottingham
  • Leicester
  • Lancaster
  • Cardiff
  • Aberystwyth
  • Kent
  • Sussex
I am also visiting UCL and Queen Mary both in London for masterclasses. Although I think I recently concluded not to go to one as I don't really have an interest in Medical Physics - just Astrophysics. I thought my list was too big but the open days are really spread out so the cost is also spread out. I wish some of the ones I want to look at weren't so far away! Although I do really want to get out of Nottingham and explore what England and Wales have to offer me!

The only other important updates really are the fact I have enquired about an Avanti scholarship, I still don't have a clue what to do next year for my A2s and I am yet to start my OU Module.

I am going to leave you now with my final words of this post and simply express how horrified I was when I discovered that Sarah doesn't know what a comet is. Here is another reminder Sarah, just for you! A beautiful picture of Halley's comet I believe.

Monday, 6 June 2011

So...when life gets you down, create a rocket out of symbols and blast yourself towards a happier place!

Today has both been brilliant and soul-crushing.

I really enjoyed hanging and revising with Megan and Katie this morning, it kind of made my day laughing so much and just generally catching up on girl stuff. I use to hang out and just do that aaaaaalll the time, now...not so much! I definitely miss it. Plus it was absolutely hilarious!

Now for the soul crushing part, my physics resit.

I can safely say I have never revised so hard for one exam, and for me to get in there and feel like ripping up the exam paper, it was just never going to end well. I felt okay for the first 15 minutes I suppose, but then I made the rookie mistake of looking at the clock. It always panics me, even when I have an hour left of the 1 hour and 15 minute exam - I just hate timed situations. Also the stupid examiner decided to throw in a completely foreign horse-related topic in there, purely for the sake of torturing the youth of today. Exam boards are clearly run by people who wish to cause 'youngsters' pain.

It now feels like an appropriate place to place a rocket.


The rocket is important. It puts me in a brilliant position to discuss science stuff.

Firstly, I discovered today that 300 atoms of antihydrogen were collected and existed for 17 minutes! Unless you follow the fast paced field of physics, then this might not seem like a huge achievement - but it really is. It had taken about a year to go from the atoms existing for milliseconds to minutes; which when you consider the amount of difficulty going against nature causes, it's just fantastic.
My second discovery is NASA sending up the next Mars rover with a microchip full of peoples names, I just couldn't resist and have my certificate as proof. 

So next time you're feeling down, just think of my rocket!


Wednesday, 1 June 2011

My deepest apologies to Sarah...

lI just want to apologies to Sarah, one of the few to actually read my feeble blogging attempts.

  • Blog more
  • Revise more
  • Smile more
Once these goals are obtained, my life should be improved. That is the main plan.

So since my last blog, I really haven't done much interesting apart from sat and probably barely passed some exams. It's not that I don't revise, it's just that I get into the exam and panic. These momentary moments of panic cause the brain to go blank and cost me valuable time! I really wish I didn't have them!
I will try and eradicate them but they're just part of my exam routine I guess.

Enough about exams...
I'm off to the Peak District to a star party. It's basically a gathering of astronomers where they observe and share wisdom about cool stuff in the sky. I cannot wait! Although I currently have no one else to go with...I need to find someone by October otherwise I'll have to be extra social to avoid becoming an outcast. I'm only an amateur astronomer really, but I suppose this will give me an opportunity to ask lots of questions.

I really need/want it to be summer also.
37 days to go!

I'm not entirely sure where this blog is going, I have left it so long since the last post that I just have to much to catch up on!

My image of the blog is once again from APOD and is just what I hope and imagine the Peak Star Party will be like.